Our Services

Learn how we can help you and your business access, visualize and read your data. If you need anything that is not covered here, reach out to us!

Data Visualization

Transform complex databases into actionable insights and easy-to-use dashboards

Can you imagine driving a car without its dashboard? not knowing the speed, how much gas you have or be advised of problems when they come up? That is what managing a business without visualizing your data, results, finance performance, and other KPIs actually looks like. 

One of the biggest challenges for business areas in a company is to have up-to-date and easy to visualize information that supports timely decision-making. Without it, the company may miss opportunities to generate savings and increase sales, optimize internal processes and inventory, and manage team performance, among other examples.

Does this challenge sound familiar to you? Have you ever felt that the information you need is there, but you can’t find the right metrics or see the connections or tell the story you want? If so, we can help you transform your Excel sheets (or any other type of database) into interactive dashboards that will give you insights and clarity. Some of the most common dashboards that a company needs to manage its business daily are:

Budget vs Sales

Sales Analysis

Category Analysis

Retail gateway compilation (IRI, Dunnhumby, Retail Link, LDIA, Fed Coop, etc)

Financial Report

People Analytics


But the possibilities to create dashboards that help your decision-making are endless. Our experience allows us to customize any kind of dataset from various areas of your business and turn it into a useful dashboard.

?Business analytics and financial technology concept

Data Driven Insights and Consulting

Focused on Marketing and Sales, we can analyze your database and find the answer to your questions and support your decision-making process.

Making your next move can be challenging. You need to access information, think, and discuss. It’s like a game of chess, where one move can change everything.

Our team of experts has over 10 years of experience in the Retail and CPG industries, specializing in marketing, category and product management, and e-commerce. We can help you analyze your dataset, create routine tracking tools, and answer your key business questions, such as:

How can I optimize the marketing mix?

How can I maximize trade spend ROI?

Are the promotions bringing incremental sales or generating trials for a new product?

How does seasonality affect my promotions and sales?

How can I optimize my assortment?

How do I compare with my competitors?

How can I generate routine and meaningful reports to share with leaders and stakeholders?


Process Automation

Save time and energy by automating simple and repetitive processes and focus on your core business

Automate simple and repetitive processes to save time and energy, and focus on your core business. By automating processes that are tedious and costly, you can enjoy multiple benefits, such as:

Saving time and money

Enhancing data accuracy by avoiding manual inputs

Increasing productivity and security

Delivering faster results

Increasing employee satisfaction by freeing them for more interesting tasks

Eliminating paper-based processes

Standardizing and cleaning up data for better analysis and reports

Gaining a competitive advantage by innovating and adapting faster

If you have processes that could be automated, contact us today and find out how we can help you with your project.


Website performance analysis and improvement plan

Improve your website performance and experience with our recommendations

Every business needs a website nowadays, but it is also important to know how well your website performs and how you can improve it. Are you sending the right message to increase conversions, are you providing a great experience to your customers and how are you doing in terms of the KPIs? If you don’t know your online metrics, you might end up with an outdated website that doesn’t support your business goals! Doing an online analysis of your website will help you find out if and where you are missing out on customers, what information needs to be changed or added, and how you should guide your customers through your website. There are many metrics that you can use to analyze your website performance, such as

SEO analysis: How well your site ranks in search engines for relevant keywords

Content availability: How easy it is for visitors to find what they are looking for on your site

Website structure: How your site is organized and navigated

Customer journey: How visitors interact with your site and complete their goals

Bounce rate: How many visitors leave your site after viewing only one page

Conversion rate: How many visitors become customers or leads

Traffic source: Where your visitors come from, such as search engines, social media, email, etc.

Session duration: How long visitors stay on your site

Page load speed: How fast your site loads on different devices and browsers

Just to name a few...

By analyzing these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into your website’s strengths and weaknesses and make data-driven decisions to enhance your online presence and achieve your business goals.

Top view of designer hands working with laptop and digital pen mouse on wooden table

Online Competitor Analysis

Let us dive into the competition online business to support your decisions

We can help you research and analyze your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses to better understand the market and create effective strategies to gain an edge over them. Online competitor analysis can help you:

Find out who are your direct and indirect competitors and what they offer

Compare their website traffic, search engine rankings, social media presence, advertising campaigns, and other online activities

Learn about their unique selling points, value propositions, and customer segments

Measure your performance against theirs and identify areas where you stand out or fall behind

Discover market trends, opportunities, and threats that affect your industry

Adopt their best practices and avoid their pitfalls

Establish a unique position for your business that sets you apart from the competition

Woman holding in hand a credit card,while is doing shopping online.

Power BI Training

Train your team on how to use Power BI so they can create their own reports to track performance and deliver deep-dive analysis.

Training your team is a valuable investment that boosts your business and your people, who feel appreciated and empowered. If you want your employees to build dashboards and analysis internally, we can help them learn how to use Power BI and how to create high-quality analyses that will unlock insights and take your business to the next level.

Training formats can vary depending on your needs and location. 

Team work process. young business managers crew working with new startup project. labtop on wood table, typing keyboard, texting message, analyse graph plans.